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Mentalist vs. Magician: Which Should You Book For Your Event?

Mentalist vs. Magician: Which Should You Book For Your Event?

So, you’re gearing up for an awesome event or birthday party, and you’re looking for the very best party entertainers. You’re faced with a tough decision: should you book a mentalist or magician? What’s the difference between them, and who would be a better fit for your event? It can be hard to make these decisions, but don’t worry. We’ve got your back!

We’re going to break down the main differences between mentalists and magicians and suggest the best type of party or event for each. We’ll also introduce you to a skilled performer who can give you the best of both worlds. Let’s dive in!

What is the difference between a mentalist and a magician?

Okay, picture this: a mentalist is all about the mind games. They’ll blow your socks off with mind-reading and predictions that seem downright psychic. Mentalists or mind readers interact closely with their audience, skilfully weaving a narrative to draw their audience in. Their knowledge of human psychology will leave you wondering how they managed to put that thought into your head and questioning your own beliefs about psychic abilities.

On the other hand, magicians are masters of theatrics. Their dazzling stagecraft includes illusions that seem physically impossible. They make use of props and sleight of hand techniques to perform tricks that will make your jaw hit the floor. A magician’s power lies in their use of visual magic and showmanship.

Should I book a mentalist for my event?

A mentalist’s skills shine brightest in intimate settings. For example, in private parties – where they can engage a small group of guests up close and personal. They also make excellent walkabout performers for corporate or networking events. A mentalist conforms to the dress code of your event. This allows them to blend in with the rest of your guests and move seamlessly between groups of people. Their mind-blowing tricks act as the perfect icebreaker and conversation starter for groups of strangers or colleagues. Because they are so good at sparking conversation and creating new connections between strangers, they are also well suited to large weddings and wedding receptions.

Should I book a magician for my event?

Magicians thrive in larger settings, where their grand illusions and theatrical performances can mesmerise entire crowds. If you’re planning a large event and want a memorable focal point for the evening, a magician is a good match for you. For example, a magician might be very well suited for your work Christmas party. Magicians are also great choices for weddings. They can take to the stage during the natural lulls during a wedding day, for example when the happy couple and their family are having their photos taken.

What if I like the sound of both?

If you can’t decide which performer would be better suited for your event, it’s possible to have the best of both worlds! Chris Fleming is a magician and mentalist who’s performed all over the world. He’s experienced and comfortable both in stage shows and at intimate parties or weddings. If you want to book a magician for your event – but you don’t want to book a stage show – Chris is the perfect fit for you. As an expert in walkabout magic, Chris blends his mind-reading skills with close-up magic tricks that will have your guests talking about your event for months. He’s the ultimate party entertainer, guaranteed to make your event unique and unforgettable.


Choosing the right performer for your event is all about the atmosphere you want to create. Do you want the mind-reading prowess of a mentalist, or the spellbinding illusions of a magician? If you’re planning a stage show, a magician might be the best option for you. If you’re after a more intimate experience, book a mentalist. And if you want somebody who can do both, book Chris Fleming. With years of performing internationally under his belt, Chris can adapt his performances to suit your event. Whether you’re throwing a birthday party, planning a wedding, or organising a corporate event, Chris is the ideal entertainer for you. Contact him today to check his availability.